If you are looking for a furniture factory's room in Padua and environs, let us visit and find lots of offers of Camerette that we resell. For your needs please contact Mr Jhonny. In our furniture factory near Padua's room we follow you in your purchase of furniture and we have available a precise transport and assembly service. We will welcome you with the best-known brand furniture, tips and many novelties. You can visit Mottes furniture, Viale Europa, 7 Romano d'Ezzelino in the province of Vicenza. We will welcome you with many suggestions and many novelties. We carry out inspections for relief measures, we have available a precise furnishing consulting service, the transport and installation and service after purchase. Within our furniture factory near Padua you can choose among many of the most well-known brand offers. Come and see our furniture at discount Outlet . Open: 09:00 - 15:00 12:00 - 19:30 and are closed on Monday and Sunday. Visit our furniture factory, the place to meet most of the furniture interior designers prepared. Please contact us to see your furniture.