You can find Mottes Mobili, V.le Europa, 7 Romano d'Ezzelino 36060 in the province of Vicenza. We also offer a support service in furnishing, with exit for the verification of the measures, and in the post sales phase. In our shop, with the collaboration of the best interior designers you can decide how to decorate your home right for you and how to place the furniture that you decide to buy. We provide you with a precise delivery service with assembly workers. We are open: 09:00 - 12:00 15:00 - 19:30 and we are closed on Monday and Sunday. We are the best place for Tables and Kitchen Chairs, not far from Vicenza : we are at your service to decorate functional premises with you. Visit us in our shop of Tables and Kitchen Chairs not far from Vicenza , where you can buy what you like among the numerous proposals of Tables and Kitchen Chairs . Our Tables and Chairs shop is the right place to meet current products in and around Vicenza . Discover affordable furnishings on ours Outlet . You will be accompanied by the best interior designers of furniture, who will advise you in the choice of furniture for your home. Need a shop Tables and Chairs not far from Vicenza? Inside our store you will find contemporary furnishings, you will have ideas and ideas for your home. For your needs, contact Mr. Jhonny.