You can find Mottes Mobili, V.le Europa, 7 Romano d'Ezzelino 36060 in the province of Vicenza. In our store not far from Padua you can see the best offers of Tables and Kitchen Chairs . For your needs, contact Mr. Jhonny. We are open: 09:00 - 12:00 15:00 - 19:30 and we are closed on Monday and Sunday. We will take care of personalizing beautiful and functional home interiors with you. Find products on offer on our Outlet . We are a specialized place for what has to do with the Tables and Kitchen Chairs not far from Padua . We create a precise assembly service. We distribute tables and kitchen chairs . If you are looking for a store of tables and kitchen chairs not far from Padua , come and visit us! in store you will find products from the best companies, accessories and accessories. We also provide you with an advisory service in furnishing, with exit for measuring the spaces, and in the after-sales phase. If you visit us, in our store you will be able to meet in Padua and the surrounding area the best store managers who will help you select the furniture for your home. We are open: 09:00 - 12:00 15:00 - 19:30 and we are closed on Monday and Sunday.