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POSTURE S3 Water Foam

A correct posture è important for health and well-being, it avoids musculoskeletal inflammation, pain, soreness, physical and psychological tensions. But often, in the course of the day, sitting in a car, at work or during a night's sleep on unsuitable mattresses, we adopt positions that are contrary to natural physiology, which tend to cause discomfort to the body.
Ideariposo, always at the forefront of the research and development of constructive solutions applied to wellbeing and health, has developed the Posture system that, with the use of posture regenerators, allows a progressive lift , welcoming the body in a gradual and ergonomic way for the physical recovery of the entire musculoskeletal system.
The main focus of the Posture system è on the   vertebral column and on its correct posture.
The postural regenerators, of different lift, inserted in the mattress, allow the relaxation of the lumbar muscles, the rehydration of the intervertebral discs and the restoration of their volume and thickness. In addition to promoting the correct flow of blood circulation that avoids nocturnal articular tingling.

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